Contribution org.nuxeo.ecm.core.opencmis.configuration--configuration
In component org.nuxeo.ecm.core.opencmis.configuration
inside nuxeo-opencmis-impl-2023.24.12.jar /OSGI-INF/properties-contrib.xml
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
This contribution is part of XML component Documentation
Properties for relaxing the CMIS specifications. Note that setting any property of them to true gives a behavior that is contrary to the CMIS specification. Please be aware the risk of doing so.
- "org.nuxeo.cmis.relaxSpec": Relaxing CMIS specification control, default to false. Setting this property to true allows users to relax the CMIS specification and use customized CMISQL. It allows multiple CONTAINS in CMISQL, contrary to the specification 1.1, section, where at most one CONTAINS() function must be included in a single query statement. Currently, JOIN predicate is not supported in such mode. This relax mode must NOT be used with DBS (Document-Based Storage), like MongoDB.
- "org.nuxeo.cmis.errorOnCancelCheckOutOfDraftVersion": Property that makes it an error to call CMIS cancelCheckOut on a draft version (0.0).
Extension Point
Extension point configuration of component ConfigurationService.Registration Order
The registration order represents the order in which this contribution was registered on its target extention
This will impact the override/merge behaviour when it is implemented on the target service, and is useful for
proper customization of existing contributions.
You can influence this order by adding "require" tags in the containing component declaration, to make sure it is resolved after another component (see "Resolution Order" on components).
Contributed Items
XML Source
<extension point="configuration" target="org.nuxeo.runtime.ConfigurationService">
Properties for relaxing the CMIS specifications. Note that setting any property of them to true gives a behavior
that is contrary to the CMIS specification. Please be aware the risk of doing so.
Relaxing CMIS specification control, default to false. Setting this property to true allows users to relax
the CMIS specification and use customized CMISQL. It allows multiple CONTAINS in CMISQL, contrary to the
specification 1.1, section, where at most one CONTAINS() function must be included in a single
query statement. Currently, JOIN predicate is not supported in such mode. This relax mode must NOT be used
with DBS (Document-Based Storage), like MongoDB.
Property that makes it an error to call CMIS cancelCheckOut on a draft version (0.0).
<property name="org.nuxeo.cmis.errorOnCancelCheckOutOfDraftVersion">false</property>
<property name="org.nuxeo.cmis.relaxSpec">false</property>